Saturday, August 28, 2021

Don't these people talk to each other?

soft and semi-soft goats cheese has 1% to 1.5 % salt which means they do not keep well. They are very popular with Restaurants. Café, Deli's and Pubs. Come the lock down, all these closed, and the market removed. The big cheese makers had a choice add a few hundred E numbers so the cheese can last a nuclear winter or switch to hard cheese, which has a very long shelf life. The price of hard cheese is at an all time low but better than nothing. In the shops you may have noticed the price going up because of lockdown!

Now we are almost back to normal, the big producers are left with a choice, risk a switch to a market that may no longer exist or carry on as they are with the reliable market for the Hard cheese. Hence soft Goats cheese is as rare as an honest politician.

With the knowledge that it is incredible difficult to source soft cheese, all the celebrity chefs are going overboard with soft goat cheese recipes on the food channels. Some include Goat cheese and spinach cannelloni, goats cheese and beetroot lasagne, goats cheese and basil parcels, spinakopita, and crusty goat cheese and potato pasties, all served with a bucket of garlic and a forest of coriander.

The audience tempted by what they see are on the hunt for the fabled soft goat cheese. A quick google search finds a nutter in the North still producing some. This is obviously for my regular customers.

Surprisingly I have no intention of expanding, even if I could. The idea of a mega dairy shipping cheese halfway across the country to a depot, to then be shipped out to every part of the UK and Beyond is madness. There should be a small producer near a town producing cheese locally. Thousands of small producers not One mega industrial unit. Small is beautiful, and what the planet needs