Monday, October 28, 2019

Halloween hotel

Driving on a country road
on all hallows night
the darkest cloud came overhead
blocking out the light

the rain it fell in torrents
with lightning and thunder roar
up ahead a welcome sign
above a hotel door

I booked into a single room
it had an eerie smell
it hadn't been used for many years
as far as I could tell

but it was just for one night
what trouble could there be
unlike the violence of the city
from drug crazed humanity

outside the creatures of the night
gave out their mournful cry
as I reached for a bath towel
for my face and hair to dry

then all the lights went out
and darkness did befall
I pulled back the curtains
to let the moon light up the wall

in the eerie moonlight glow
strange shadows I could see
as it a flock of evil bats
were coming after me

a howling of a large dog
a horseman galloping by
soft muffled whispering
laboured fearful sigh

there was tapping at my window
a rattling of the door
ghostly bat like shadows
fluttering on the floor

beneath the wooden entrance door
a light begun to glow
and foot steps on the landing stairs
whom I did not know

then came the tapping on the door
the rattling of the key
the door creaking started to open
slowly in front of me

the night porter stood there
an oil lamp in his hand
he said there was a power cut
some lighting would be grand

the kitchen has an old coal range
and it has been lit
so there will be some hot food to have
if you could wait a bit

I thanked him most profusely
and as he closed the door
I noticed he made no shadow
to fall upon the floor

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