Thursday, May 28, 2015

changing the bank

fed up with begging letters

and the service less than frank

I'll do what the government says

and try to switch my bank

you can do it very easy

the task is a delight

said the comments from the eejits

on the comparison web site

bogged down in a jiffy

everything stuck on hold

because I tried to enter something

before the prompt I was told

dissolution and dejected

to give up I was prone

till I saw that you could do it

in comfort on the phone

pressing one and pressing two

not forgetting hash

listening to some musak

repetitive droning trash

then I got a human

but was speechless with a cough

she said hello twice quickly

and then she cut me off

dejected and frustrated

I went out for a walk

and entered the local bank

to a human I could talk

a person came up to me

with a cheerie how do you do

said see all those people there

that’s the bloody queue

I joined the queue and waited

for cashier one or two

at last at the iron grill

the cashier lowered a sign

this cashier is closing

please join the other line

at last I saw a human

not a helpful chap

sat in a stuffy sub office

with papers on his lap

I said I'd like to change my bank

I thought I saw him grin

I said I have some savings

I'm willing to put in

He asked me if I want a loan

to buy something rash

they don't need more money

as the government gives them cash

I must surely need a new car

and estate or new sedan

or some more insurance

or the latest funeral plan

I said that I had changed my mind

trying to be polite

I'll stick my money under the mattress

and sleep soundly every night

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