Saturday, May 23, 2020

cruelty on farms

Time to speak of cruelty
Of suffering and pain
About the poor creatures
On hill farms wet with rain
I see them struggle onward
Working beyond endurance
If they fail they are doomed
Not covered by insurance

They rise in early morning
Work well in to the night
Given little shelter
Punished if do things right
Suffer from poor health
From chemicals and spray
With spoors of fungi in the lungs
They cough and cough all day

These poor communal creatures
That with others to be, are meant
Have a solitary existence
Work on with grim intent
Mud thick is all around them
It clings and saps the strength
For all other creatures comfort
They will go to some great length

In winter the extremities freeze
Constantly stamp their feet
Water tanks of solid ice
Each morning do they meet
A prey to agricultural reps
And bank manager’s charmer
Please buy your food locally
And save the poor hill farmer

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