Saturday, May 23, 2020

farmers year

Thick of head and over hung
The farmer greets the New Year
Contemplating what lies ahead
Through the optimistic fug of beer
January will be crisp and dry
The insect will die of cold
And I will get a good price
For store lambs I’ve sold
February on Valentines Day
The wife will be true to form
She’ll forgo the silly cards
For fingerless gloves so warm
March will be lamming time
Daylight will make them begin
They’ll not thinking of lamming at night
And give birth to healthy twins
April showers happen at night
And fall only where needed
It will not fall on barren soil
But only where I just seeded
May all fruit blossom will be out
Bees busy pollinating
They will do the fruit trees first
Although rape seed is waiting
June of the longest days
Tractors serviced due to mileage
Contract work floods in
After my two cuts of silage
July the grass tall and straight
All rain clouds stay away
All the grass is cut and baled
In succulent four day hay
August wheat is gathered in
The heating salesman cry
Combine harvester runs all day
And the wheat is storage dry
September main crop potatoes
Harvested more than I need
The potato buyers raise the bidding
To use my crop for seed
October sheep scab stays away
All sheep eager for the dip
The fruit trees picked and crated up
Delivered in one trip
November all cattle snug inside
And feast well on winter store
The air is clean as is the hay
With no bacterial spore
December with nights drawn in
And festivities in the air
Christmas trees fetch a good price
All green with no patches bare
From the window looking out
The farm track a muddy stream
Sheep call for feed in torrential rain
To shatter his hopeful dream

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