Saturday, May 23, 2020

in the field

Sitting in his tractor high
The closest thing to the sky
The fields lush and steady growing
Bumper crop from one sowing

Above the crop the skylark sing
House Martin feeding on the wing
Butterflies take to the skies
With iridescent dragon flies

Beneath the crop daisy and yarrow
Scattered by the plough and harrow
Cocksfoot, rye and timothy
Grassland Savannah will never be

Beneath the leaves rapid breeding
White fly black fly aphid feeding
Food for lace wing and ladybird
Their ravenous larvae preferred

Slugs and snail in cover deep
Feeding frogs and hedgehogs creep
Parting leaves the stalking curlew
While thrushes break snail shells in two

Nature in bountiful display
For man just gets in the way
For you consumers this is done
Start the tractor and spray on

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